Friday, May 14, 2010

EPUB Edition of The Ruin by Kenneth Fenter

It is done and it works! And if I say so myself it looks just as good as the books right out of the Sony store etc. being offered by the mainstream publishers. 

Pictured at right is the Sony e-reader entry level device that my daughter does most of her reading on now days. As a busy teacher who involves herself even further in her profession by taking professional enrichment classes and representing fellow teachers in her professional organization, she snatches time here and there waiting for meetings, relaxing for a few moments before the next parent conference, catching a breath at lunch, relaxing over coffee before her day begins. Her little reader is the size of a trade paperback and fits in her purse.

She loaned it to me this past week to test out the conversion of The Ruin to the EPUB format that runs on the Sony, Nook and IPAD. After a few trials an errors, looking behind the pages into the HTML coding underneath for reasons why things didn't work the way I wanted them to, I copied the total EPUB book file to the Sony e-book library. It is the same library that shows up when she buys a book from the Sony library. Once there I dragged the file to the reader icon and pushed the synchronize button.

This past week the ITune software automatically upgraded to include the drivers for the IPAD to download and syncronize books. The format the IPAD uses, according to all I can find out, is the EPUB.

I returned the reader to my daughter last night with The Ruin installed among her other books. She called this morning to report it was working great. This final version of the book is somewhat different from the earlier manuscript that she read. She started my day off with a smile.

I'm not promoting e-readers, the Sony e-book, or IPad. I personally like the look and feel of a real book in my hands. I don't think the electronic book will replace the hard copy book. But I think that the e-reader for someone like my daughter who uses it when she is on the go, is perfect.

Mostly I wanted you to know that my book is available now. I will be posting it on the website as soon as I get the E-ISBN confirmed. That is today's job.

Kenneth Fenter

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