Monday, November 19, 2012

Good things happen when a master teacher thinks outside the box

The preceding post is a review of Gifted Hands: Saino no Aru Te by Rod Nave, author, screenwriter, filmmaker.

I first met Rod this summer at the reunion of the Springfield High School class of 1972. I didn't have the pleasure of having Rod in my journalism classes back during his days at SHS. However I did mentor his sister Denice. She was in my yearbook class and rose to the position of editor-in-chief her senior year. She was an advisor's dream. She was organized, had ideas, and all I had to do was provide a framework for her to operate within. Publishing a high school year at that time was a $7000 dollar operation and we had to be self sustaining, through subscriptions and advertising. Our goal was to have a maximum number of subscribers in a blue collar neighborhood so we had to produce a quality book at a minimum subscription rate. She understood that and rallied her staff to sell books, advertising and photographers and section editors to produce an outstanding product to justify everyone's effort. All her deadlines were met on time. And she was the type of individual that by her personality everyone wanted to work for her. She was a natural leader and set the example for them to follow.

At the reunion I asked Rod how she was doing and where she was. He acted surprised and then informed me that she had been killed in an auto accident about five years ago. He was gentle in the telling and told about the things he and the family had done to commemorate her remarkable but short life. He had brought a photo and plaque.

Separately, Rod shared that during high school he wasn't too interested in English until one of the teachers, Dale Canaday, had suggested that Rod try writing a short story. Rod had enjoyed that and from then on he became hooked on short story writing. Dale recognized his talent for story telling and suggested he look into the school of journalism at the U of O and that's where Rod ended up.

In his career Rod has become Author of numerous short stories, written screen plays, and become film maker. You can youtube him to see some of the fun things he has done including the live animation link the preceding link.

Master teachers like Dale Canaday recognized that some students, like Rod, needed a different approach than the traditional. The creativity kept them from sitting still long enough.

When I put out the word looking for reviewers for the novel Gifted Hands, Rod sent me a note saying he would like to give it a read. I was excited to see his reaction. I was honored that he did.

Kenneth Fenter 

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