Saturday, August 14, 2010

Combating cyber bullying with information an important first step.

Here is a link to a blog with important information on combating cyber bullying that any parent or grandparent should take a look at. 

The Blog is written by Judy H. WrightJudy is a parent educator, family coach, and personal historian who has written more than 20 books, hundreds of articles and speaks internationally on family issues, including care giving. 

She is trained as a ready to learn consultant, she works with Head Start organizations and child care resource centers. 

I found her blog to be informative and chock full of information. She hits the sensitive issues surrounding bullying middle school and high school years and has suggestions for parents and children alike on how to work through the issues.

A new school year is just around the corner. My wife made her yearly pilgrimage to Freddys this week to buy crayons, notebooks, and folders for our daughter the third grade teacher to use in her class room. Old habits die hard. This will be our eleventh year of retirement and it is still hard to watch the preparations begin for a new year to begin without feeling like we need to rush around and finish the summer jobs because time is running out. Usually my wife buys an extra bag of pencils, crayons, folders, notebooks etc. and drops them off at the neighborhood elementary office to dole out to children who did not have a budget to buy supplies with. 

This year our oldest grand child is a freshman in high school. Next is an eighth grader. There will be two fourth graders and a fifth grader.

I dealt with direct physical bullying from teacher and kids when I was in grade school. It was overt. I could see who was coming at me. I'm afraid that as often as not now days my grandchildren may have to deal with threats from kids they may not see, may not even know, through their cell phones.  

I know the affect it had on me 55-60 years ago, I can't imaging what this additional level of stress is adding to the youngsters today and what their lives will be like 55 years from now as a result.

The best prevention is education. Links like the one above and resources that Judy Wright and other links elsewhere on this blog can point you to can help.

Respectfully submitted,
Kenneth Fenter

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